
International Conference on Advances and Challenges in Medical Technology Translation
Conference: December 12-14, 2024; Thiruvananthapuram, India
Preconference Workshop: December 11, 2024

Abstract Submission


Website : - https://deepmedtech24.com

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Opening – July 1, 2024 (Abstract Submission Open)

Abstract Submission Deadline – September 15, 2024 Extended to September 30, 2024

Abstract Acceptance Intimation – September 31, 2024 to October 5, 2024


We have extended the abstract submission deadline to September 30, 2024 due to many delegates complaining "file upload-error". If this error still exists, kindly email the abstract as an attachment to transmedtech24@gmail.com

One-page abstracts are invited from delegates on the following Scientific Sessions. The Microsoft Office Word file (*.doc, *.docx) or a .pdf file of the abstract should be submitted electronically via the registration website (http://deepmedtech24.com) by September 15, 2024. The Abstract Template (can be downloaded) should be used for the preparation of abstracts. The mode of presentation (Oral or Poster) needs to be mentioned.

Abstract Submission Format 

Download Abstract Template

  • The main text (single-spaced, Times New Roman 12, normal, full justified), including figures (TIFF or JPEG only) and a few key references (do not exceed 500 words - one page). Use the abstract template provided (replace the existing text). Download Abstract Template
  • Incomplete works, where the Results and Conclusion parts are not supported by quantitative data, will not be considered. Abstracts that do not meet these formatting requirements will be returned. The organizing committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for correct formatting.
  • Those who wish to compete for the MAHE “Young Scientist Award” and Bajpai-Saha “Student Award” need to submit an extended abstract with a minimum of 2000 words containing all results and images with key references. Authors can use the same template (maximum 4 pages). Only those who satisfy these criteria will be considered for the awards.
  • A few travel awards will be available for students. Students need to apply along with the recommendation of their respective guides to be considered for a travel award. Kindly send both the abstract file and the recommendation to transmedtech24@gmail.com

Scientific Sessions for Abstract Submission


  1. The presenting author's name should be underlined.
  2. If the corresponding author* is different from the presenting author, it should be indicated with an asterisk.
  3. Slots for oral presentations are limited in the conference schedule. The slots will be allotted as per the registration sequence.
  4. Only the completed works will be considered for the conference. The results and conclusion part in the abstract should be supported with quantitative data
  5. The submissions, satisfying the above criteria and not selected for an oral presentation, will be considered for poster presentation.
  6. Authors must register for the Conference. If an author whose abstract is accepted and is not registered, the abstract will NOT be included in the scientific session of the conference.
  7. On submitting the abstract, the authors certify that the submitted abstract and/or poster are an original work and have no prior ownership or copyright restrictions. Authors certify that the abstract and/or poster are not previously copyrighted.
  8. Authors give the conference organizers authority to reproduce and publish my abstract in their conference program, and the proceedings of the meeting.
  9. Retraction of the abstract if any should be communicated by email to the organizers by November 15, 2024.