
International Conference on Advances and Challenges in Medical Technology Translation
Conference: December 12-14, 2024; Thiruvananthapuram, India
Preconference Workshop: December 11, 2024

Sponsorship Opportunities


Website : - https://deepmedtech24.com

Industries, business houses and statutory bodies are invited to sponsor the symposium. The Organizing Committee will arrange proper publicity of the contributors before, and during the symposium. Three levels of sponsorships are available. Depending on the nature of the sponsorship, the Conference will provide any or a combination of business opportunities which include complimentary registration, brochures in the Conference kit, company logo in Conference documents and website, and at the venue, an opportunity for business presentation at sessions, complimentary pages in the souvenir and complementary stall at the exhibition.

Sponsorship Tariff​

  1. Diamond Sponsor : Rs. 3 lakhs
  2. Gold Sponsor : Rs. 2 lakhs
  3. Silver Sponsor : Rs. 1 lakh
  4. Exhibition Stall : Rs. 50,000

Sponsorship Previlages ​

Diamond Sponsors

  1. Recognition in Web Home Page
  2. Recognition in Sponsors List
  3. Advertisement in Souvenier (Cover inside full page color)
  4. Complimentary registrations for three (3) delegates
  5. Logo display inside conference hall
  6. Brochure insertions for elegates
  7. Recognition in all banners
  8. Exhibition stall
  9. Presenttaion slot (10min)

Gold Sponsors

  1. Recognition in Sponsors List
  2. Advertisement in Souvenier (Inside full page color)
  3. Complimentary registrations for two (2) delegates
  4. Logo display inside conference hall
  5. Brochure insertions for elegates
  6. Exhibition stall 

Silver Sponsors

  1. Recognition in Sponsors List
  2. Advertisement in Souvenier (Cover inside full page B&W)
  3. Complimentary registrations for one (1) delegate
  4. Logo display inside conference hall 

Space for Exhibition

The exhibition is expected to showcase industrial products, machinery, developments and services in the fields of medical devices, pharmaceutics, biomaterials science and technology. This will be a unique opportunity to network with more than 300 professionals and academicians in the field from various Institutions and Organizations across India. Stalls will be issued on a first-come first-served basis. Stall size will depend on the space available in the Conference venue. Stalls will be provided one table, one chair and a power supply. The exhibitor is offered one complimentary registration and a complimentary listing in the souvenir.

Souvenir and Advertisements

A commemorative souvenir will be brought out on the occasion. The souvenir will be made available to all the registered delegates, invitees, and exhibitors and will be dispatched to all national institutes and libraries. It will be a good opportunity for organizations and industries to advertise their products and services in the souvenir, which will be read and preserved by the participating delegates. In addition to advertisements, the souvenir will host sponsored features on industries subject to editorial review.  

Advertisement Tariff

  1. Cover (back outside - color) - Rs. 50,000/-
  2. Cover (inside - color)- Rs. 40,000/-
  3. Inside full page (color) - Rs. 30,000/-
  4. Inside half page (color) - Rs. 20,000/-
  5. Inside full page (B&W) - Rs. 15,000/
  6. Inside full page (B&W) - Rs. 10,000/-

For Sponsorship Opportunities and Details Click Here